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Recent news​

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December 2019
  • Wallace Cubs - Received Bronze Youth Approved award from Scouts Scotland
  • 1st Raploch Beavers & Cubs - Awarded Foundation Youth Approved award from Scouts Scotland
  • Bruce Scouts - Attended Scouts Scotland Parliamentary Reception at Holyrood to reward                        them for their #communityimpact work they have been doing.
  • StartUp Stirling - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts collected an amazing 36kgs this month.
  • Bruce and Wallace Scouts - Took part in the WeeSleepOut2019 and slept in wet and windy conditions outside with only survival bags and tarps as protections. They raised over £2.000,00 for Social Bite.
  • Wings 2020 - Scouts attending Wings 2020 camp held collection in Stirling City Centre
  • Donation - The amazing people at Ooni Pizza donated a Ooni Koda Gas Fired Pizza oven - thank you!!
November 2019
  • Cubs and Scouts - Attended the Remembrance Day & Parade in Stirling on 10th November
  • StartUp Stirling - Beavers, Cubs and Scouts collected an amazing 38kgs this month.
  • Coffee Morning - Group had a coffee morning at our Scout Hall to raise funds for the group
  • Wings 2020 - Scouts attending Wings 2020 camp held a bag pack at Morrisons to raise funds
  • Bruce Scouts - First Aid and CPR training, valuable #skillsforlife
October 2019
  • StartUp Stirling - Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts collected 23.8kg of food - fantastic.
  • Bruce Scout Troop - Featured by Scouts Scotland as Part of Community Month for their
        work with #Postcardsofkindness to help combat loneliness
  • Wallace Scout Troop - Took part in Cally Rally in Inverness
  • Wings 2020 - Scouts attending Wings 2020 camp held a bag pack at Tesco to raise funds
September 2019
We are proud to announce a new #communityimpact project for our group.
From October 2019 we will be holding a monthly collection of food items to donate to StartUp Stirling.
They provide twice weekly and a mobile foodbank service for those that need this invaluable service!

Registered as a Charity in Scotland, SC003653. 

Founded in 1909.

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